I’m pondering trying to aquire a cheap Aragorn 12″. Which…yeah. Ugh. I just…well, I really like the trilogy, anyway, and dolls related to something I like are always awesome. But I have Boromir, who, you may recall, I lusted and drooled and whined over and was able to get myself for my last birthday. Boro’s my favorite, and the only one I truly jonesed for. But he also looks really lonely all by himself, with all the Star Wars dolls battling it out in the front room, and the DC Barbies trading stories, and…well, the “Princesses of the World” Barbies mostly just titter and whisper among themselves. And there’s poor Boro, being all manly and fantasy-themed. I would really like to get him a Faramir, but then Fara would need an Eowyn, and she? Is expensive. Like, almost twice what you can get Fara for, and she comes with nothing but the dress on her back. (I’m blaming it on her being Toy Biz. Sideshow would at least give her a rusty sword, or do an alternate special edition Durnhelm!Eowyn…which would actually be awesomeohpleasedontdothatIdonthavethemoney.)
*ahem* Anyhoo. Aragorn. Aragorn, the Fugtastic Toy Biz Version…him, you can actually find cheap, occasionally. And then Boro would not be so lonely and out of place — okay, he’s not always lonely, he’s totally courting the Princess of Ancient Greece, but she doesn’t get the whole Fellowship thing. Aragorn would. He’d also try and steal Boro’s bracers when he was asleep, but the great part about being a higher-end doll is you can totally beat the crap out of guys who do that.
………yeah, I’ve maybe been reading a little too much of Cleo’s Secret Life of Dolls, lately. Although, in my defense, I was writing stories about dolls coming to life when I was in the fifth grade. Which was like, twenty years ago. Holy shit. That just seems wrong.
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