Sometimes I think I use scissors incorrectly. They hurt my fingers. But really, if I don’t have scissors down at this point, I probably won’t ever.
Anyway, fate apparently agreed with my intent to reroot Clawdia, as she arrived with mild glue seepage, leaving the top half of her hair flat and tacky. Honestly, just clipping it down to stubble has improved her looks. Lordy. She also came with some unexpected marker on one leg, but it was on the upper thigh, under her dress, so I feel its reasonable that the seller didn’t know it was there. Some Dawn and a little time with an old toothbrush, and you can barely see it anymore. I’m finding myself liking her more than expected, and she’s still in the deconstruction stage. Hopefully that’s a good sign.
Deena is still on her old body, because I wanted to drybrush the new body’s fur tufts, and didn’t want to risk mussing her hair or getting paint on it or her face, because I would manage that somehow, and not notice it for like, two months. The ankle fur turned out great, but the wrists are…underwhelming. I’m debating trying again, but honestly, I think part of it may just be the size of the scuplt. There’s just not as much detail to accent.
I’m wondering if I should try to accent Pawla’s tufts. She’s got a darker tone and more fur, though, it might not turn out as well. Eh, there’s no rush, it can be done (or not) any time. I really wish original Howleen had the fur tufts, I like them so much! I know, Reboot!Howleen has them, but Reboot!Howleen is also about ten, and just…isn’t Leena, to me. Although I would love to see her in Leena’s original shirt, it looks like something Not-Howleen would steal, and then leave Leena fuming, while Deena stood behind her all, “GEE, I WONDER WHAT THAT FEELS LIKE. WHERE DO YOU THINK SHE LEARNED THAT.”
….now I kind of want Deena to have a shirt that says “Karma is a Bitch” with a hugely grinning she-wolf underneath. I…might have problems.
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