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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books »

Trying out WordPress, because Blogger will no longer support FTP after May 1.  (Or so they say, but its already a bitch and a half to get anything to post, so…color me slightly skeptical.  Also, bitter.)  They are offering a conversion, but the gist of it is either you go back to Blogspot (AAAAAHAHAHA, NO) or you enter into a set-up where they still host it, but the address is somehow at your domain.  I have not seen how this works explained to my satisfaction, and frankly, I do not want to change my blog URL at all, no, not even just from domain/blog to blog.domain.  This is my place, and it will be subject to my petty little whims, and mine alone.

And, y’know, Dreamhost to a minor extent, but as long as they are paid and I’m not doing crazy illegal shit, they don’t really care.  I <3 Dreamhost.

And so far, I am okay with WordPress.  The true deciding factor may come down to just how much customization I can figure out.  It has been a long time since I taught myself HTML, kiddies, and quite frankly, I’m a lot stupider now.

I’m also cold, and kind of hungry, so for now, dQ is just going to look like this.  But fear not!  I have ideas.  Or…actually, maybe you should fear that.

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