Permalink Uploaded a nice wintery header image. Christina needed a break, and I can’t deal with an actual Christmas image, so. Snowy wonderland, it is.
I’m trying out the tiny portable space heater we bought at Ollie’s last month. It works pretty nicely, my fingers aren’t cold at all which is just unheard of for me […]
Permalink The sister and her mister sent us Harry & David for Christmas. A small assortment of cookies and an ugly grinning moose cookie jar that they probably paid way too much for. I’m kind of hoping the jar will leap to its doom against the kitchen floor. Still, cookies that I didn’t have to bake. […]
Permalink One of these times I need to actually go with my mother to my brother’s, if only so that someone will say to him, “No, you are not clogging up our fridge with your crappy leftovers that no one ever eats. Throw it out yourself. Or better yet, learn to cook less.”
Its just stupid. […]