Great. Awesome. I knew it was a mistake a split second after I let Atahualpa update, but I was dead tired, and I was stupid, and now look, everything is fucked. And stupid. And ugly.
So basically my blog is me, now.
I…I just don’t even have the strength to deal with this right now. […]
Permalink WordPress wants to update Ahaupta-whatsis. I…am somewhat apprehensive, given the BS with the spaces on that one update.
Bah. I am not up to thinking about this right now. I’m going to bed.
Permalink Awesome! Atahaulpa 3.7.3 seems to fixed whatever caused the wonky spaces. *pets it* I like it so much better than Twenty Eleven. (Totally fine theme, just…not really what I wanted.)
Of course, now I have to re-personalize it. This would not seem such a daunting task if I had not been up since 4 am […]
Permalink Temporarily changed to the Twenty Eleven theme, because Athua-whatsis’s fuckery with the spaces was driving me batty. It will probably take me a while to choose a new permanent one, because I am currently battling the a hand infection, and if you think I’m forgetful and wishy-washy normally, then imagine how bad it is when […]
Permalink Hm. I updated my theme, and now the layout’s a little wonky. And spaces seem to randomly disappear. That’s…annoying.
I could try to fix it, and, given my tired brain, probably fail. Or I could just shrug and go back to reading “Hunger Games.”
Gee. That’s a tough one.
Permalink Huh. So, apparently one difference between categories and tags is that you can’t add new categories unless you’re logged in as the admin. That’s…interesting.
Of course, I usually am logged in as the admin, so…. I don’t know. I only got four hours sleep, I’m just grateful I’m still speaking English.
Permalink Trying out WordPress, because Blogger will no longer support FTP after May 1. (Or so they say, but its already a bitch and a half to get anything to post, so…color me slightly skeptical. Also, bitter.) They are offering a conversion, but the gist of it is either you go back to Blogspot (AAAAAHAHAHA, NO) […]