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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

For Christmas, I got Tonner‘s 13″ Black Canary doll (because my mother is awesome). And because a couple (few?) years ago, I got the Barbie version for my birthday, I decided to take some comparison pictures. I am dork, hear me flail.

Gee. I wonder which one is more expensive.

I put the […]


I’ve kind of been hoping Tonner would do some more of their 13-inch superhero dolls. I’m not sure they will, because I don’t think they sold all that well. Mostly because they were pretty much the same price as the larger dolls, and with only two exceptions — Catwoman, who had a new costume, and […]


They fixed Rogue’s hair. I mean, I thought they probably would, because…dude. Seriously. And this time, they did not disappoint:

Hey there, sugar!

Unfortunately, now she is awesome, and we love her, and she is $160 and sold the fuck out. Of course she is. bastards.



Production begins on Disney’s ‘Maleficent’


I would totally be screaming right now EXCEPT THAT I CAN’T BREATHE FOR ALL THE AWESOME OH MY GOD.

Maybe if we are all very good, Tonner will do a special Mangeleficent doll, and I WILL MOVE THE WORLD TO AFFORD HER HOLY SHIT.



M’tired. And indecisive. And I miss my Glorything. Also, my Sunny Girl, and The Amelia.

On the upside, Donna review. He managed to both delve way too deeply and completely skip a few retconns when going into her backstory (dude, just say she’s Diana’s sister/clone and move on, sheesh), but whatever, Dooooooonnaaaaaaaaaaa. Sooooooo beautifuuuuul, I […]



Oh, little girl. I do not know you, but I love you. SO. MUCH.

Pressies! the Sequel (Part Two): Electric Boogaloo

Why is it gorgeous outside, and totally stifling in the house? …oh, right, because 90% of our windows are in two adjacent rooms at one side of the house. >.< Anyway. I'm trying out a gift card for cash exchange, and I’m a little nervous about it, so let’s distract ourselves — with DOLLS! Totally [...]


So, yesterday was my birthday (and I stayed up waaaaay too late on TVTropes — don’t click if you ever want to see your loved ones again, seriously), and it was a Tonnerific day! I also got a couple books, and I’m looking forward to reading those, but DOLLS! TONNER DOLLS! And then I spazzed […]

Your eardrums may have just burst.

That sound? Was me finding out that Angie is playing Maleficent. *bounces and claps*

Oh, you guys. I love Maleficent. I love her so bad. I really don’t give a crap about the rest of Sleeping Beauty, for me it all comes down to Maleficent and Aurora’s gown when it is both blue and pink […]

How awesome?