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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

Well, my wallet’s happy, anyway.

I have to say, after waiting 5 or 6 weeks for the pictures to go up, I am finding Tonner’s Rogue doll kind of disappointing.

I mean, the outfit’s great; I have always had a soft spot for the green-and-yellow bodysuit with the bomber jacket, and its really her iconic comic look, anyway, it would’ve […]

Does this mean Kenickie was a Green Lantern?

I am really too easily amused, sometimes. The face mold on Tonner’s Star Sapphire just tickles me to no end.

Eat your heart out.

ITS STOCKARD CHANNING*, YOU GUYS. How awesome is that? So awesome.

I’m really looking forward to its release, and seeing some actual owner photos. See if she still looks […]


Is it weird that I think I would’ve preferred Kick-Ass had it just been about Hit Girl and Big Daddy? Kick-Ass the character pretty much lost my sympathy and interest when he first, despite being a comic junkie, could not think of why no one ever tried to be a super-hero in real life (its […]


The last couple days have been complete ass. Can’t get to sleep or stay asleep because my brain is loud and hating me, which means that I’ve got a stress stomach-ache most of the time, and when I’m awake I’m that much more likely to cry (which also makes my stomach hurt! Rock on!) because […]


YOU GUUUUUUUUUUUUUYS. Youguysyouguysyouguys! Tonner’s doing Hawkwoman. LOOK AT HER WINGS, Y’ALL. So. Awesome.

The outfit’s totally unfortunate, but its also totally accurate. Shayera needs a make-over like, twenty years ago. Put in a call in to Supergirl’s people, hon, they can hook a superheroine up.

And her face! It…um…kind of looks like Carrie Fisher, actually. […]