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Catt's books

Four and Twenty Blackbirds
Wings to the Kingdom
Not Flesh Nor Feathers
Those Who Went Remain There Still
Dreadful Skin
The Living Dead 2
The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities: Exhibits, Oddities, Images, and Stories from Top Authors and Artists
Bewere the Night
The Inexplicables
Dead Witch Walking
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Every Which Way But Dead
A Fistful of Charms

Catt's favorite books ยป

I have a weakness.

I ordered myself a Nendoroid #618 – Captain America figure for Christmas. Because a, survey rewards, and b:

The cutest Avenger.

I mean. Seriously.

He won’t come til after the new year, but whatthefuckever, State-side sellers tend to ask 10x as much for Nendoroids. I can wait a month for reasonably priced adorableness, […]


Sooo…I ordered a body for my Super Duck Female Captain America Outfit, because its been sitting in its box for like, five and a half months, and I am not even sure where my True Type girl is anymore, and honestly, even just looking at the proposed search area was overwhelming for me.

Yay, mental/emotional […]

Progress! …?

Cir-El boots – check! Cir-El suit (base) – check! Cir-El wig-cap – check!

I have also ordered the wig, and some extra hands for her, although they are coming from China and Japan respectively, so that could take a while.

I’m see-sawing a bit on how I want to do the cape, and I have […]

Does this make me a Futuresmith?

Something in me seems to be wanting this year to be The Year I Finish Cir-El. I can’t really blame it, Cir-El has been languishing long enough that I actually forgot that the pale Obitsu I’ve had laying around was in fact bought for her and didn’t remember until after I had (re)checked it for […]

I’m pretty sure I can fly….


I totally apologize for cringing when you cast the Glee girl (even though I would still kind of rather have Chyler as Kara). She is totally making it work. I’m kind of having trouble with hot, successful, competent Jimmy James Olson, BUT I AM ENJOYING HAVING THE TROUBLE.

Oh my […]


I like this a lot. I do not, however, like it $50 worth. Maybe if I knew they were a certain size. Like, if they were in the 8 inch range, I could maybe get excited. But let’s be honest, they’re going to be like, 3 or 4 inches tall, and I don’t care if […]


For Christmas, I got Tonner‘s 13″ Black Canary doll (because my mother is awesome). And because a couple (few?) years ago, I got the Barbie version for my birthday, I decided to take some comparison pictures. I am dork, hear me flail.

Gee. I wonder which one is more expensive.

I put the […]


M’tired. And indecisive. And I miss my Glorything. Also, my Sunny Girl, and The Amelia.

On the upside, Donna review. He managed to both delve way too deeply and completely skip a few retconns when going into her backstory (dude, just say she’s Diana’s sister/clone and move on, sheesh), but whatever, Dooooooonnaaaaaaaaaaa. Sooooooo beautifuuuuul, I […]



Oh, little girl. I do not know you, but I love you. SO. MUCH.


So, yesterday was my birthday (and I stayed up waaaaay too late on TVTropes — don’t click if you ever want to see your loved ones again, seriously), and it was a Tonnerific day! I also got a couple books, and I’m looking forward to reading those, but DOLLS! TONNER DOLLS! And then I spazzed […]