Permalink I am boredom, hear me ppppbbbbbbttttt.
Wind Whistler is intelligent and articulate, if a little reserved. She has a great thirst for knowledge, and devours books on sight. She seeks to understand the world about her, as she sometimes feels removed from her environment. It is a pity that the other ponies don’t appreciate her […]
Permalink The cat is being a huge pest. It happens some mornings, she just stands in front of my mother’s bedroom door and meows pathetically. If that doesn’t work…scratching. And then I chase her with a water bottle. You’d think she’d put the two together, but you’d be wrong.
I had one of my fucked up […]
Permalink My mother can’t spell “awesome.” This disturbs me somewhat.
However, my brain has actually let me in on actual, useful ideas, and I’m really too pleased to worry very much that she spells it like a 12-yr-old AOL retard.
I’m considering trying some of DH’s saran, despite the fact that her math is faulty (.35 […]
Permalink Wow. Blogger has really hardcore upped their asshole quotient with their not-really-Beta version. I guess technically its alpha, or something, since despite pretending to give you the option to log into the old version…you can’t. It goes straight to the conversion set-up.
I am not someone who responds well to being forced to do things […]
Permalink Is it March, yet? Please? Because then the new Hollows novel would be here, and, oh, yes, it would not be fucking freezing.
I really wish I could sculpt. I know some people can do really awesome things with clay, but I am not one of them. Woe.
I know, practice makes perfect, or at […]
Permalink Doing a minor clean-up of my bookmarks really just drives home the need to do a major one. But the thought of it makes my brain start to slide into a boredom coma, so we won’t be holding our breath for that one.
Part of me wants to run some errands today. The rest of […]
Permalink Words cannot express how glad I am not to live in Texas. I’m glad not to be a middle schooler anywhere, really, but particularly in Texas. Its always people with dicks trying to enforce their stupidity on people without, too. Go find a new idiot drug for outies, and force it on your own kind. […]
Permalink So, I watched vol 1 of “Clone Wars” the other day, and vol 2 today. Mostly, I think I liked volume one better, although there were some very nice things about vol 2. Like a Jedi female getting her own fair share of screen time (Shaak Ti kicks ass, y’all), and Anakin managing not to […]
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