Permalink I’m kind of amused at the fact that I felt the need to censor the latest cap of my desktop. I probably didn’t have to, but should I ever get yelled at by my host, it will not be because of teeny tiny boobies, okay? Besides, if anyone cares that much, they can email me, […]
Permalink Y’know, I have to say, watching Battlestar Galactica, I was not really getting the attraction of Number Six. But looking at Tricia Helfer’s Playboy shoot, I um. I may be coming around. Woman is hot like woah.
I’d still rather have Grace Park, though. And I’m not picturing her hypothetical spread in my head, really, […]
Permalink EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! For my birthday present to myself, I have gotten Sideshow’s 12-inch Boromir figure. Because I am a huge dork, and Sideshow does awesome figures, and oh, yes, BOROMIR, HELLO. Looooooooooove. All my various Star Wars figures will not know what to make of him, I’m sure. Asajj will probably want to kill him and […]
Permalink Birthday’s in ten days. I will be old, but I’ve felt much older for a very long time, so its not that bad, really. (And I act younger in many ways, I know, but whatever gets you through the day.) I’m really, really hoping that my brother continues his tradition of Paypal-ing me money, as […]
Permalink Y’know what I love? When you’re sitting in the living room, reading a book, TV turned down low for background noise, and someone comes in and turns it up really loud. And then, when you’ve sighed and closed the book and said, “I guess I’ll go do something else, then,” and are half-way out of […]
Permalink Heh. I’m guessing it was the tendency to call people “puny mortals” that did it.
check the Metahuman Activity Map
Permalink I’m puzzled by EW’s choice of this in their “15 Nominees for Worst Movie Dialogue Ever.” Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that’s good. Its kind of lame and trite and, well, typical of George’s het couples*, really. But worst ever? We’ve got six movies worth of proof that George is incapable of writing […]
Permalink I’m messing around with The Dialectizer, mostly out of boredom. I probably will be moving on to other time wasters, as their definition of “hacker” seems to be “wannabe net-teenie retard,” and for some reason I’m finding that really, really annoying.
I’m reading a new author, or new-to-me author. I only just noticed the “yay, […]
Permalink Aaaaaaaaaaand I totally forgot to mention: I made a city! You can almost hear my dorkitude growing! Behold, Arithens, City of…Arith? I don’t know, work with me here. Its sort-of named for my LJ name — Arithil, Arithens. It doesn’t really get any better for being explained.
Anyway, supposedly your city will grow as it […]
Permalink Dude, I know I hadn’t gone to GJ in forever, but I hadn’t realized things had gone so cock-sideways that you can’t even log in anymore. Like, it expires roughly .02 seconds after you do it. Guess I won’t be deleting that RP back-up, after all….
There was something in Entertainment Weekly about racy pictures […]