So. Pretty sure Angles was a return. The blurb about the box condition was…not inaccurate, exactly, but kind of misleading. Like, when they tell you there is damage on the edges, extending onto the body of the package, up to an inch, your brain goes to crushed corners, or someone got a little overzealous slicing open the shipping carton. Instead I got the kind of minor scuff and scrapes you get from typical shelf-wear and stock rearrangement, and some tape at the top. Like someone had tried to open it like a traditional doll box, rather than take two seconds to look at the damn box and see that it simply pushes out from the side in a tray.
I actually really like the box style. If they would replace the pull-out artwork “reveal” (it goes from simple black and white line-drawing to clear, full-color illustration) with a viewing panel that lets you see the actual doll inside, it would be my favorite box ever. Seriously, its not a surprise element, the character’s name is on the outside, we know who we’re getting WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING MGA.
AAAAAAAAAAAAYWAY. Suspicious tape was the only real box damage, and then when I opened her, she…had a little paint defect…
 You got something in your eye there, sweetie.
Yeah, that. Maybe the paint machine was running low, or the nozzle had a clog, something, because baby girl has one perfect eye-shine, and one bird plotz. I snorted, not gonna lie.
I’m actually weirdly not even upset about it? Like, I wish she had two good eyeshines, but…it doesn’t seem to be bothering me so far. Its actually amusing me, and I am having vague thoughts of just fucking leaving her, or at least leaving her until it does bother me, because a) I’m not sure I can fix her close enough to symmetrical that it won’t drive me nuts anyway, and b) I spent two days crying randomly, but my only reaction to Angles’ eye-doo is snort-and-smirk.
And the rest of her is perfect. I even like how her hair is laying, and the stagger of her bangs. Those lips are too damn much, but I knew they would be going in, and the application is clean and sharp, so if I decide to do something with them, I have an excellent guide for it.
Bottom line, she’s here, she made me laugh, she’s staying.
So…I ordered OMG Angles. Honestly, she has been tucked onto a “wtf, self, why?” side-wishlist since her pre-order days. I mostly waffled on her because the early prices on these dolls is just too high, and I never could figure out why she spoke to me. But then I had Amazon credit, and they had a really good Warehouse Deal (oh, no, not a damaged box!), and they offered me a free Prime trial, so free 2-day shipping, no minimums. So. Yeah.
And then after, I was poking around, trying to see if I could find any customs of her, because I am thinking of doing a couple small tweaks to her. I didn’t really find any, but I did find this fanart of her, and not even thinking, I say out loud, “huh, reminds me of a Jem character.”
She reminds me of a Jem character. No one in particular, really, just…if Jem had suddenly had a modern art friend? Angles would be that friend.
I feel so much better about liking and ordering her now.
Currently trying to distract myself from the anxiety-fest that is reality. Mostly I’m watching Cupcake Squad‘s LOL family custom videos, which…doesn’t really make sense, because I kind of really hate LOL dolls. The whole glam-sexualized-toddler thing is just so, so gross. Even with the OMG line, which is a huge improvement just for being grown(ish? from reviews I’ve seen, they have adult lives and looks, but…are intended to actually be teenagers? weh?), the aesthetic still leans too extreme for me. So really, why am I watching these? Please send help.
I will admit to being weirdly drawn to LOL Shapes and LOL OMG Angles, but, um. It could honestly just be that they make me think of my Hairdorables Stylin’ Sallee. …oh, look, Cupcake made a Shapes Family. *headdesk*
*sighs* Why do I feel like this is going to really fuck with my plans for my next survey reward.
*clicks the video anyway*
me: *minding my own business, reading Sterek fic*
brain: ABBEY
me: …what?
me: oh, for fuck’s sake.
There actually is an Abbey-relative doll, her South Scaremerican cousin, Marisol Coxi. My brain cares not (possibly because we do not have Mari), and has proceeded to bat ideas and the dolls we would need for them at me for the last day or so. It…well, it distracts from the weeping and the stress stomach aches, at least.
Permalink My brain has to decided to obsess over Pullip things, because why the fuck not. Mostly its obsessing over this one used Byul, which is funny, because, I um. Hate Byul. So, so fug. But in this case, it would be for the Pluto family I secretly fantasize about in a little closed room in my head.
See, I love my Taeyang Pluto. So, so much. I love Taeyang in general, but the Steampunk Eclispe Pluto is just epically gorgeous, and…ugh. I hate him, honestly, he torments me. I try not to look at him too much, because then I want to just stare at the pretty. He has made me fall in love with two other Pullip dolls, that I only realized after the fact ACTUALLY KIND OF LOOK LIKE HIM, DAMMIT, PLUTO.
This did not help with Pluto Family Fantasies, as you may imagine.
There are, of course, the other dolls in his line, but…eh? They’re fine. I wouldn’t mind some of their stuff, but I’m not really moved to have them. The same for the other steampunk line, really; although in both cases, I actually rather like the Dals (Ra Muw and Icarus). Just…not quite enough, I guess? Part of the problem is that Dal reads rather sulky, and that’s not my thing. It makes it hard for me to connect enough to actually buy one. She is really cute, though, unlike the aforementioned Byul. Like, even people who like Byul admit she’s an acquired taste and that her sculpt is really unphotogenic. Which is being kind, in my opinion, but is also probably part of why I’m all, “YES HER WE SHOULD DO THIS GOOD GO.”
Because when I’m depressed I simultaneously really want a project, to distract me and be creative, and also really want to avoid any projects, because if/when something goes wrong, it will seem that much bigger and more wrong, and I will be that much less able to handle it. But! Doing minor alterations on Pullips is pretty easy, and can offer really striking results. And if I already hate the Before, then the After is surely that much more likely to please, yes?
Of course its all pretty moot, as I don’t have $70, and by the time I do (if I do), she will probably already have sold, but that does nothing to keep my brain from obsessing and dreaming and plotting.
Well. At least its better than crying.

Pets & loves, fuzzbutt.
Permalink Hey, how about a Wolf Fam update? Okay!
(I know you don’t actually care, but I don’t care that you don’t care. YAY!)
Leena and Deena are pretty much done. Leena just needs boots, which are on their way, and maybe some bracelets, but I’m pretty sure I can find something that would suit her in my stash, and even if I can’t…whatever, its just accessories. Deena really just needs a shirt, and its annoying me, because I thought I had it worked out twice now, only to have it just be…wrong. I would kind of like to get her a different bag, and maybe a cuff, but they’re not that important. She needs a shirt. SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIRT.
*cough* Anyway. Clawd and Clawdia are both kind of in a holding pattern. Clawdia’s probably got the worst of it, she’s in two pieces and mostly bald and waiting on hair samples to arrive. Clawd’s just chilling while I try to figure out what I am doing about a new body for him. They are both naked, poor darlings.
I actually got my hands on a Barker recently, all by himself and reasonably priced. He has a small smudge on the tip of his nose, but I kind of find it adorable, and it sort of goes with Pawla, who has a darkened doggy nose. They may get redressed in some Todd & Stacie clothes at some point, but for now they are cute and snuggly in their jammies and hanging out with Lux de Nile.
I also ordered a Reboot Howleen yesterday. I’ve been eyeing her for a while, because despite the godawful official photos, all the reviews and user pics show her as being pretty fucking cute. But I also reject her as being Howleen, which means alterations, which means the $15+ price tag was a bit too much for me. Especially since she’s often far and away on the + side. But then yesterday she showed up as an Amazon Warehouse Deal for $11 (oh no, not a damaged box!), and I had a $5 gift card, and Mom’s got a trial Prime membership (fuck yeah, free 2-day shipping), which whittled her down to $6, and that is more than acceptable. Oddly, the color scheme I’m picturing her with is reminiscent of Howleen’s original look. The colors are less in your face, but…its there. Since my Leena is a redressed and slightly re-styled Dance Class Howleen, the nod to the original might actually make them look LESS alike.
I’d actually really like to make it so that both of Reboot’s ears have the half-flop; play up the younger, puppy look, but I’m too afraid of melting her.
Um. That’s really it for the siblings, unless I suddenly decide to get a cheap lot from China and try to make Barker’s twin from the Monster Family site art or something. ….not gonna lie, that could totally happen. I have some cousins brewing in my head to varying degrees, but…I don’t know. Even if I wasn’t sink-floating through a really long, really bad depression bout, that might be beyond me. But I am, so its like, 100 times moreso. I’m not saying my stupid brain won’t let/make me try it anyway, I’m just saying it would be slow, and probably ugly.
So…par for the course, really.
I ordered myself a Nendoroid #618 – Captain America figure for Christmas. Because a, survey rewards, and b:
 The cutest Avenger.
I mean. Seriously.
He won’t come til after the new year, but whatthefuckever, State-side sellers tend to ask 10x as much for Nendoroids. I can wait a month for reasonably priced adorableness, thank you.
There’s also an Infinity Wars version, because of course there is. It might join us at some point, because I have a thing, and it is maybe shaped like Steve, and I am okay with that.
Especially when it is jesus-christ-what-the-fuck levels of adorable. Because seriously, guys, jesus christ, and what the fuck. I can’t even.
Permalink I am having surprisingly good luck with Hairdorables so far. I’m up to four with no doubles yet. YET. My latest girls are Sk8r Noah and Whimsical Willow.
I was very pleased and excited when I opened the compartment with Noah’s skateboard, as Sk8r Noah is my favorite Noah, although I tried to tamp down just case one of the others also had a skateboard, and I had just forgotten. I have pictures saved of most of the girls, either concept art or prototype, sometimes both, but I don’t have all the accessories and whatnot memorized, and don’t particularly care to. It leaves me more surprise, and I’m finding that I kind of enjoy the “oh, who’s inside/who am I going to meet” aspect.
I guess with a large enough percentage of options that appeal to me, I actually do like blind boxes. Who knew?
Willow, though. If I was going to get a Willow, Whimsical Willow is 100% the one I would want. Its just…her color scheme feels like cotton candy (hate cotton candy, always have), and holy geez is she into unicorns. I got over unicorns sometime around middle school, and I never wanted them everywhere even before that. I’m trying to focus on the fact that she loves mint green (really really wish that instead of a third unicorn item, they’d made her top a green hoodie with brown polka dots, like mint chocolate chip ice cream) and is super into fashion without being pretentious or snobby about it. So far though, I’ve just kind of shoved Willow to the back and told the others to like her for me.
Maybe she’ll grow on me. I’ve gotten past the not-a-double-but-feels-like-one with Neila, although I am considering a rebody to help put more distance between her and Sallee, and I’ve half taken to calling her Soleil in my head, because as much as I want to believe she was named for Neil Armstrong, the prevalence of jokes and punnery in the dolls’ names leaves me pretty sure that they actually named her that because its “alien” backwards.
I mean…her rare version, Super Neila, is an actual alien. She’s like, robin’s egg blue, even. They might as well just give her a t-shirt proclaiming it.
Second Hairdorable has arrived, and is…a tiny bit of a letdown? She’s not a duplicate, so that’s a win, and she’s cute (of course she is), and even a different character, which should be a yay, except…she’s Moonlit Neila.
Who could frankly be Stylin’ Sallee’s twin.
 Stylin’ Sallee (left), Moonlit Neila (right)
There are differences, yes: Neila’s skin is lighter, and her faceup is in different colors. Sallee’s hair is more of a true white, while Neila’s has a silver tone to it, and their blues are different in both shade and amount. And yet you’re still left kind of feeling like you have a double, while not actually having a double. I’m…not actually sure what to do with this.
…aside from get her out of that dress. That is some hardcore hideous right there. Wow.